Monday, February 4, 2013

What day is it?? I have officially lost my perception of time here in Dublin. With watching the Super-bowl at 11:30 pm on a Sunday night and people going out on Monday, I honestly never know what day it is. This past weekend I went into the city a lot and was basically the ultimate tourist. I even went to the Guinness Factory which was a lot of fun and I got a free pint! The woman asked me if I would like a small glass of Guinness or a pint...I think the answer is obvious considering it was free..The factory was HUGE and the tour itself was pretty good, but I was not a fan of not having a tour guide. Following arrows painted on the floor can get boring. At the end of the tour though you get to go to the 7th floor gravity bar which was amazing. I found it to be quite funny that the 7th floor let you look over all of Dublin and it was so beautiful once it got dark and the building lights went on. If you look out the window of the 7th floor of a building in Boston I am pretty sure you will just see the building next door so it was cool that we were able to see the entire city! I also went to a market in Temple Bar that they have on Saturdays. I got a veggie burrito there which was really random, but it was great and I don't regret it at all. My friend got mint hot chocolate with baileys in it and it was incredible....something I will definitely make at home when I miss Dublin (: Tonight I am on dinner duty in my apartment so hopefully I don't mess up too bad! I bought all the ingredients for alfredo and then I realized that there is no alfredo sauce in I guess I am doing cheesy sauce and I will just tell them it's a family recipe haha. My most exciting news though is that I have booked my trips for Spring Break. From March 8th to the 16th I will be traveling with two of my friends to Paris, Rome, Barcelona, and Seville. One of my best friends from home is studying in Seville so it will be great to see her and her school! The day after I get back to Dublin (St. Patrick's Day) my parents and sister will be arriving and then we are touring Ireland together. It will be the best two weeks and I am counting down the days (: (: I should do some work now though because I am not on vacation.....yet. Happy Monday!!

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