Thursday, February 7, 2013

Sooooo apparently there is a lot more to Ireland than just Dublin?? I am very excited to be leaving for Galway tomorrow morning where I will be until Sunday! As much as I love the city, it will be nice to see the countryside and fingers crossed I get to see some sheep blocking the roads! I am going with a group at school who plans the entire weekend, books the hostel, and the international students tag along for an epic weekend. It is cool because the event is run by Irish students so we really get to see the touristy places (like the Aran Islands), but we also get to see the nightlife. It should be lots of fun, but also very exhausting! I cant wait to post pictures! This week I decided that outside of my classes I should be more involved so I have started to attend free fitness classes at the gym! Syracuse makes us pay for these classes so I have to take advantage of this perk. On Monday I went to a circuits class which was lots of fun and I was definitely sore the next day. Tuesday some of my friends wanted to go to spin class so I said sure why not?! Ya.....that was a mistake. I forgot that I am not a coordinated person and Brenna and bikes simply do not mix. However, today was the most hilarious class of roommate and I decided to go to cardio boxing. Sounds like a legit workout right? was like we were at fat camp and I think I burned more calories laughing than actually working out. The guy who ran the class was good looking, but Im not sure he really liked us by the end because we tried to grab our stuff and leave early...At one point the good looking instructor guy had us stand in a line with our hands up and random strangers came up to us and punched our hands...All I was thinking about was flu season..Guess that is what happens when you work in a hospital haha all together that fitness class was a joke, but I got same great laughs!! I am going to try to get to bed early though because I have a very busy weekend ahead of me and I am not even done packing! This is my last weekend as a twenty year old too (: wahooo!

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